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US EPA GoGreen! Newsletter February 2020
EPA News You Can Use - February 2019
Enviro-Tip of the Month
Recent News
What You Can Do, What You Can Use
En español: Spanish Features
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About This Newsletter
EPA turns 50 this year! Join us as we celebrate 50 years of environmental protection.
Run generators outdoors. Generator exhaust is toxic and carbon monoxide (CO) is deadly, can build up quickly, and can linger for hours. Always put generators outside well away from doors, windows, and vents. More ideas on preventing CO poisoning.
Find out more about safety and environmentally friendly options during severe winter weather.
EPA at 50: Progress for a Stronger Future. EPA announced its 50th anniversary theme, "EPA at 50: Progress for a Stronger Future." Said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, "I look forward to celebrating the agency's accomplishments throughout the year, and I hope that we can inspire the next generation of environmental leaders to continue building on our progress for the next 50 years." Throughout 2020, EPA will commemorate the agency's many achievements and continued progress, culminating in a 50th Anniversary celebration on Dec. 2, 2020.
EPA and Army Deliver on President Trump's Promise to Issue the Navigable Waters Protection Rule – A New Definition of WOTUS. EPA and the Army announced the Navigable Waters Protection Rule, delivering on President Trump's promise to finalize a revised definition for "waters of the United States." that protects the nation's navigable waters from pollution and will result in economic growth across the country. "EPA and the Army are providing much needed regulatory certainty and predictability for American farmers, landowners and businesses to support the economy and accelerate critical infrastructure projects," said EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler. "After decades of landowners relying on expensive attorneys to determine what water on their land may or may not fall under federal regulations, our new Navigable Waters Protection Rule strikes the proper balance between Washington and the states in managing land and water resources while protecting our nation's navigable waters, and it does so within the authority Congress provided."
Aggressively Addressing PFAS. Aggressively addressing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is an active and ongoing priority for EPA. "Under President Trump, EPA is continuing to aggressively implement our PFAS Action Plan – the most comprehensive cross-agency plan ever to address an emerging chemical of concern," said Administrator Wheeler. "For the first time in Agency history, we utilized all of our program offices to construct an all-encompassing plan to help states and local communities address PFAS and protect our nation's drinking water."
Jumpstarts Cleaner Trucks Initiative. Agency seeks input on initiative for cleaner emission standards for heavy-duty trucks. "I encourage regional input from industry, community groups, government agencies and other stakeholders on this new initiative," said EPA Region 2 Administrator Pete Lopez. "This rule will have a major impact on improving air quality in the future and the reduction on pollutants from heavy duty trucks will help our states meet their air quality goals."
"Through this initiative, we will modernize heavy-duty truck engines, improving their efficiency and reducing their emissions, which will lead to a healthier environment," said EPA Administrator Wheeler.
Read more news from EPA: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/search
Burnwise to Burn Better - Whether you're using a woodstove, pellet stove, or fireplace, smoke from your chimney means your fire isn't burning as well as it could. Burn only dry, seasoned wood and start a fire with dry kindling. Never burn plastic, or painted or treated wood which can release toxic chemicals. Get more tips for safe, efficient (and enjoyable!) wood burning.
2020 Fuel Economy Guide - If you're shopping for a new car, the Fuel Economy Guide will help you compare and choose new vehicles that save money at the pump and pollute less.
Black History Month. A diverse workforce - scientists, lawyers, emergency responders, managers - brings a balance of perspectives to bear on every challenge we face. Meet some of our African-American employees and learn what they do at EPA. February is #BlackHistoryMonth.
EcoTox TARGET Challenge (due Mar 16). EPA is hosting a technical challenge to develop high quality, low cost, technologies or platforms for evaluating global gene expression in samples from aquatic toxicity test organisms. Learn more about this challenge or attend a webinar and how to register (ends March 16).
Teachers - Lake Michigan Science Workshop (due Feb 28): Are you a teacher in the Great Lakes area? The Center for Great Lakes Literacy and Great Lakes Sea Grant Network invite teachers (grades 5-12) or informal educators with a Great Lakes focus to apply for a spot on an expense-paid, professional learning cruise for a week in July 2020. The Research Vessel (R/V) Lake Guardian is owned by EPA's Great Lakes program, and it assists with study of the Great Lakes ecosystem. Applications for this opportunity are due February 28.
Learn more about requirements and how to apply: https://iiseagrant.org/2020-shipboard-scienceMore about EPA's Lake Guardian: https://www.epa.gov/great-lakes-monitoring/lake-guardian
Webinar on Stormwater Calculator (on Feb 19) - We're holding an online session (webinar) about how the National Stormwater Calculator was used to support Great Lakes restoration. The Stormwater Calculator is a tool to help site developers, landscape architects, urban planners, or homeowners reduce impairment to the nation's waterbodies. Find out how to attend the webinar on February 19.
Learn more about the calculator: https://www.epa.gov/water-research/national-stormwater-calculator
Deadlines extended (due Feb 24):
- PIAEE - Teachers, showcase your environmental education expertise and apply for the Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Education. Deadline to apply is now February 24.
https://www.epa.gov/education/presidential-innovation-award-environmental-educators - PEYA - Attention parents and teachers! We've extended the deadline to apply for the President's Environmental Youth Award. Deadline to apply is now February 24.
¡La EPA cumple 50 este año! Únase a nosotros a lo largo del año en el cual estaremos celebrando nuestro 50 aniversario. (en inglés)
¡El monóxido de carbón es mortal! Siempre use los generadores afuera bien lejos de puertas, ventanas y respiraderos. Nunca use un generador al interior de su hogar.
Los videos: Consulte la página a continuación para ver videos en español.
Aprenda más sobre la EPA en español: https://espanol.epa.gov
VIDEOS - posted in January
Air Sensors: Sources of Air Quality Information. This video describes the advantages and limitations of sensor, satellite, and modeled air quality information and how it can be used.
ROCS-Net: EPA's Regional/ORD Community of Science Networking Program. Provides an opportunity for staff from EPA, states, and tribes to learn more about EPA's research office.
en español:
Calidad de los Datos Regulatorios y de los Datos del Sensor. Este video introduce los Estándares Nacionales de Calidad del Aire Ambiental (NAAQS, por sus siglas en inglés) y explica cómo monitores regulatorios y sensores de aire recopilan datos.
Medidas y Su Salud. Este vídeo presenta el ICA y su relación con los Estándares Nacionales de Calidad de Aire Ambiental, incluyendo el proceso extensivo que conlleva a la EPA el examinar la literatura.
More EPA videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/USEPAgov/videos
National Wild Bird Feeding Month
2, World Wetlands Day
Americans want to help protect and improve the nation's land, water, and air. "GoGreen!" is a monthly newsletter from the US EPA summarizing our recent news and info you can use to make a difference in your home, community, and workplace.
Want more news? Read daily EPA news releases on topics that interest you.
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Read about EPA science: https://www.epa.gov/sciencematters
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460 United States