Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Memorial Day Sale Has Begun


1111444.png BRING YOUR "A" GAME! social media.png



Akadema Memorial Day Week Calendar

With Memorial Day on the horizon everyone here at Akadema is so thankful for all the sacrifices made by the men and women of our military so we can enjoy our freedom and liberties throughout the year. To show our support we are offering Great savings and Newly Designed Products all week Long. MemorialDay60 Code has officially launched.

Tuesday May. 19th

Torino Series Gloves

With FREE "Country Pride Patriot Logo"

Country Pride Bag.jpg
Retail Value: $325 
Use"MemorialDay60" CODE

Every ProSoft Elite Series Glove Order on 5/20, we will throw in Free Patriot Glove Bag + Free Mystery Gift of $15 Value

apm 43 new.jpg   ACM39_Glove_hiRes.jpg

     APM 43                                                 ACM 39       


arn 5 new.jpg atp2_hires_glove.jpg

 ARN 5                                                 ATP 2        

AUG 3 new.jpg  ATH7_Glove_hiRes.jpg

  AUG 3                                          ATH 7    

ACR4_Glove_hiRes.jpg  Asm 47.jpg

      ACR 4                                            ASM 47            

atn 35.jpg  amo 102.jpg
 ATN 35                                                   AMO 102

ARO 18 new.jpg  afl 11 new.jpg
      ARO 18                                            AFL 11                 

AKT19.jpg  ajs 124.jpg
  AKT 19                                                     AJS 124

asd 11.jpgADU 135.jpg
         ASD 111                                                   ADU 135    

The exciting Torino Series by Akadema is designed for maximum performance and durability.  The Torino Series features Turin Kip Leather that is lighter with greater tensile strength.   The Torino line is one of the most prestigious luxury gloves on the field, without sacrificing the grit of the original Akadema Professional line.  The Torino Series breaks in quickly and offer playability and comfort at a much more reasonable price than our competitors.   Torino is now made with twin welts on fielders gloves.

Precision Series Gloves

With FREE "Country Pride Patriot Logo"
Country Pride Bag.jpg

Retail Value: $300
Use"MemorialDay60" CODE

Every ProSoft Elite Series Glove Order on 5/20, we will throw in Free Patriot Glove Bag + Free Mystery Gift of $15 Value

APM 41.jpg  ADJ 154.jpg

     APM 41                                                 ADJ 154     


ARZ 136.jpg APM 40.jpg

 ARZ 136                                                 APM 40        

APM 42.jpg   ASB 104.jpg

  APM 42                                               ASB 104  

Our Precision Kip Leather is lighter and tighter than steerhide gloves.  The Precision Series continues to be one of our top glove series which was introduced in 2004.

Wednesday May. 20th

ProSoft Elite Series Gloves

With FREE "Country Pride Patriot Logo"
Country Pride Bag.jpg

Retail Value: $200 
Use"MemorialDay60" CODE

Every ProSoft Elite Series Glove Order on 5/20, we will throw in Free Patriot Glove Bag + Free Mystery Gift of $15 Value

AJG334.jpg  AEH302.jpg

     AJG 334                                               AEH 302  


ACV318.jpg  AFB304.jpg

 ACV 318                                               AFB 304    

ANO315.jpg  ABX 00.jpg

  ANO 315                                           ABX 00


The ProSoft Elite was built for the top showcase and travel ball players that want a pro glove but don't want to pay pro level pricing.  Rather than having to break-in your glove in two weeks like pro level gloves the ProSoft Elite is nearly ready out of the box but does not sacrifice the quality of the top line gloves.

ProSoft Series Gloves

With FREE "Country Pride Patriot Logo"
Country Pride Bag.jpg

Retail Value: $170
Use"MemorialDay60" CODE

Every ProSoft
 Series Glove Order on  5/20, we will throw in Free Patriot Glove Bag + Free Mystery Gift of $15 Value

AJJ 254.jpg  NEW AMV 218.jpg

     AJJ 254                                                 AMV 218 


NEW APP 240.jpg NEW APM 241.jpg
 APP 240                                                APM 241        

NEW AHO 224.jpg  NEW APX 221.jpg

  AHO 224                                               APX 221 

NEW AFL 211.jpg  

                                         AFL 211                                     


The ProSoft Series gloves are born to meet the desires of players for the distinct advantage of a game-ready glove.  Light and Playable right out of the workshop, the ProSoft glove was constructed to give a player the unparalleled fit and feel right off the bat.

Fast Pitch Series Gloves

With FREE "Country Pride Patriot Logo"
Country Pride Bag.jpg

Retail Value: $170
Use"MemorialDay60" CODE

Every Fast PitchSeries Glove Order on 5/20, we will throw in Free Patriot Glove Bag + Free Mystery Gift of $15 Value

NEW ATS 77.jpg  AJB 74.jpg

     ATS 77                                                 AJB 74 


APM 66.jpg  NEW AEA 65.jpg 
 APM 66                                            AEA 65    

NEW ANF 71.jpg  NEW ACE 70.jpg

  ANF 71                                             ACE 70


                                        AMC 72                                     


Created to satisfy the needs of the competitive fastpitch player, the Akadema Fastpitch Design Series is hand-crafted to increase the level of play on the field.  This light weight glove allows for a faster break-in period and a more manageable feel.  Smaller finger stalls are used to decrease the distance between the thumb and index finger and the Grasp-Clasp wrist system allows for increased playablity.



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